Okay, so where am I? There’s no truth that I was able to secure a plum seat ringside for the Mayweather v. Pacquiao at the MGM this weekend in Las Vegas…yeah, uh, $4,000 for a ticket just to get in is a bit too much. And, I may or may not be in Azerbaijan looking […]

Once upon a time, a boy dreamed of winning an Oscar. He wrote and wrote and wrote. Fingers numb and calloused as he searched for the perfect combination of words that created the scenes that would ultimately build a story that could be made into movie that would move the soul.  This movie would go […]

“Writer’s block is only a failure of the ego.” ― Norman Mailer Good old Norman had a lot of Hemingway in him. Direct and strong, no time for weakness. You could say he was very Hemingway-esque. No matter, because he pumped out some great work. Most us though can’t power through the writers block and […]