Okay, so where am I? I’m dealing with Tace Bell’s “Tortillapocalypse” and when you’re writing late night, what could be worse than not having warm flour tortillas to ease your late night needs to push through your writing block? Taco Bell is facing a tortilla shortage and it might be time to panic https://t.co/fBFCNEISNc pic.twitter.com/YXkibP1i42

Okay, so where am I? Most of my regular readers know I am always on the search for that Big Idea. It’s something I learned the importance of from a, intimate David Ogilvy talkback I scored tickets through a viscous corporate ladder climber I was dating at the time. Research and writing were the keys back […]

Okay, so where am I? I just pulled off an impressive haul at the 38th Telly Awards. I’m stuck in traffic on the 101 Freeway near Hollywood, watching the world swirl around me in a rage (more on that later). One good thing about traffic is that you get a lot of chance to think. […]

Okay, so where am I? Yesterday’s email from the Telly Awards letting me know that I am now an 11-time winner launched a quickie celebration until the very next email reminded me of the pending deadlines I have on a handful of  projects, each demanding their own slice of greatness. Great. Just great. Where to […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m checking email and low and behold, hard work pays off sometimes. I just received notification that I am officially a 10-time Telly Award winner. Always nice to be honored amongst the best in TV and cable, digital and streaming, and non-broadcast productions. In the old days I’d celebrate all […]

Hello, my name is Michael. And I’m an awards junkie. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I like to win. Not Charlie Sheen #winning*, but real winning. Recognized-by-my-peers winning. Owning-the-advertising-world-for-three-minutes winning. Winning. So first, the big news… The Media Guy strikes again. Two Silver Council winners and three bronze trophies in the 2016&nbs

Okay, so where am I? No I’m not on vacation—more on that later—right now, I’m hunkered down, barricade-style, on a mission to finalize my Clio submission. Yes, it’s awards season in the ad world and fresh off my Telly Award wins (hate to brag, well, no, it’s nice to be able to…), I felt it […]

First, the big news… The Media Guy strikes again. A double winner in the 2015 Telly Awards competition. What are the Tellys? Only one of the most prestigious honors in the the advertising industry. Sure, the Clios get all the glam, but the Telly Awards carry a lot of juice. Yet I digress… Okay, so […]