Okay, so where am I? Yesterday’s email from the Telly Awards letting me know that I am now an 11-time winner launched a quickie celebration until the very next email reminded me of the pending deadlines I have on a handful of  projects, each demanding their own slice of greatness. Great. Just great. Where to […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m checking email and low and behold, hard work pays off sometimes. I just received notification that I am officially a 10-time Telly Award winner. Always nice to be honored amongst the best in TV and cable, digital and streaming, and non-broadcast productions. In the old days I’d celebrate all […]

Recent United Airlines ad offering friendly service… Just a few days ago, I wrote that Pepsi should have called the Media Guy before their ill-conceived Kendall Jenner ad launched. Apparently all that was needed was for another major brand to screw up royally in real time to have them breathing a sigh of relief. In […]

Okay, so where am I? ** – More than a caption – see below I may or may not be at the Super Bowl witnessing the greatest comeback in the great Super Bowl ever played. Or I may have just attended the Oscars Nominees Luncheon at the Beverly Hilton. No, I’m not a nominee, but […]

Listen…I don’t mean to poop all over the airlines during the holiday season, but between Iberia Airlines’ $5 Nescafé and my latest escapade on Air Canada Rouge, I had to open up iPhone Notes and put my grievances to paper… Just who conceived this ad anyway? Dear Air Canada: Okay, I get it. It’s January […]

Jeez, I didn’t know my sarcastic reaction to Emirates Airlines’ Hello Tomorrow advertising would ripple through Dubai all the way to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, aka the DPRK. First Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the DPRK, First Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army, [&

Full disclosure. It pains me to do this critique. I’ve flown Emirates Airlines many times and love their business class services and economy class entertainment. But really, their print advertising has crossed over and jumped the shark. Mary Wells, architect of the Braniff “End of the Plain Plane” ad campaign, is certainly sitting in her […]