I believe hockey cards have supernatural powers. This is why, in the winter of 1975, I starting arranging my Los Angeles Kings cards like players on a hockey rink on the top of my mammoth hand-me-down stereo console. And then challenged the NHL All Stars—or at least the cards I was able to collect—to a […]

Okay, so where am I?  It’s been a light red carpet season. I’ve only done two—the Grammys and now today at the Academy Awards. Nothing is better that than when your feet hit that Oscars burgundy carpet. Your imagination soars and you can’t help by daydream of carrying a thirteen-and-a-half-inch tall, eight-and-a-half pound golden statuette. […]

Okay, so where am I? It’s late and I’m polishing my running diary for tonight’s Los Angeles Kings game against the Arizona Coyotes. It’s been a struggle this season in my first year as a moonlighting sportswriter. The Kings are really bad and coach is worse. How bad is he? He’s so bad that I […]

I penned this article for my PERSPECTIVES FROM THE CHEAP SEATS column on Jewels From the Crown. I couldn’t hold myself from posting it here too, because why? The Los Angeles Kings, that’s why. Note to reader: Due to unbridled anger scheduling conflicts, I was forced to write the inevitable “John Stevens has been fired!” […]

Read the new column: click here. Okay, so where am I? It’s almost time to leave town…vacation style. Well, working vacation. Actually just working at my moonlighting gig. Shhhhh, it’s top secret… Before I get to the business at hand in this column, I want to report on the homework assignment I spoke of in […]

This is beginning to be a yearly column all of the sudden… My Los Angeles Kings* flamed out on their way to the Stanley Cup. Shoot, they didn’t even make the playoff this year. Nothing left to cheer for in the 2017 playoffs except every team playing the loathsome Anaheim Ducks. Attention NHL: let’s get […]

Okay, so where am I? According to those who care about me (yeah, yeah, oxymoron) I spend an inordinate amount of time at Staples Center from October to May each year. I mean, who wouldn’t? Kings, Lakers, concerts. There’s also the Clippers, but no one cares. Today I’m back at Staples Center—media pass in hand—to […]