Photo credit: Instagram/heinz Okay, so where am I? Well, I’m working. More than ever it seems. The COVID-19 lockdown has pinned most to our homes and according to Ladders we are working three more hours a day on average. Nonetheless, I am thankful for the continued employment and remaining safe during this unprecedented pandemic. I […]

Heinz ketchup has joined the growing list of stars who are frustrated with being snubbed at the Oscars. I’m not kidding here. After hundreds of appearances in movies, Kraft Heinz Canada has propelled a humorous campaign into social media and it left me wondering why I didn’t come up with this myself. With the Oscars […]

Only Don Draper could write $1,000,000 checks AND have his ads run 50 years later. Today I ask myself this definitive questions: Is is bad to be jealous of a fictional character? Strolling through New York City—49th and 7th to be exact—revealed that Don Draper’s “Pass the Heinz” ads are running a full fifty television […]

At first I was like, “Holy f#%king Super Bowl tickets Batman!” I mean tickets to the Golden Game? Super Bowl 50? In San Francisco? Club Level? Running elbows with the bourgeois of the world like Beyoncé, Pres. Obama, The Mannings, and Katy Perry? I mean who wouldn’t want that? But then “$3K PER TICKET” smacked me on […]