Okay, so where am I? I just finished refereeing the kids in our belated Father’s Day trip to see Finding Dory. Better than the first installment (Finding Nemo), the family movie was just the trick to soften stubbornness and unite the already close clan we are. Media bonds the family. All you have to do […]

Okay, so where am I? I can tell you that I’m not in federal court with one of those cantankerous Californians filing lawsuits against Starbucks, hell-bent on taking down the the java king over underfilling their lattes. I mean, geez, cozy up to the barista and get a little more milk poured in. Last time […]

My Los Angeles Kings* flamed out on their way to the Stanley Cup, so I’m a little down and out recovering from the fool’s good that was once the 2015-16 National Hockey League season. Nothing left to cheer for except every team playing the loathsome Anaheim Ducks. Prince is dead, long live the king. So […]

If Esquire says you are, you can bet that it’s true. While Playboy scraped the bottom of the marketing barrel to find a way to be even less relevant, Esquire magazine named Emilia Clarke the “Sexiest Woman Alive”, because, well, you know, the Internet is fueled by nudity and hints of nudity and fake nudity. […]

First, the big news… The Media Guy strikes again. A double winner in the 2015 Telly Awards competition. What are the Tellys? Only one of the most prestigious honors in the the advertising industry. Sure, the Clios get all the glam, but the Telly Awards carry a lot of juice. Yet I digress… Okay, so […]