In the last installment of The Biz, I recalled origin stories about my life in the New York ad agency world, including Schelp-Rock, copywriters, and would-be vampires. In the continuing saga of agency life, here’s an ode to a shirt ad that inspires even today… *Read the copy below… Back at the agency I was […]

Okay, so where am I? Most of my regular readers know I am always on the search for that Big Idea. It’s something I learned the importance of from a, intimate David Ogilvy talkback I scored tickets through a viscous corporate ladder climber I was dating at the time. Research and writing were the keys back […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m checking email and low and behold, hard work pays off sometimes. I just received notification that I am officially a 10-time Telly Award winner. Always nice to be honored amongst the best in TV and cable, digital and streaming, and non-broadcast productions. In the old days I’d celebrate all […]