Okay, so where am I? I just finished refereeing the kids in our belated Father’s Day trip to see Finding Dory. Better than the first installment (Finding Nemo), the family movie was just the trick to soften stubbornness and unite the already close clan we are. Media bonds the family. All you have to do […]

Okay, so where am I? I can tell you that I’m not in federal court with one of those cantankerous Californians filing lawsuits against Starbucks, hell-bent on taking down the the java king over underfilling their lattes. I mean, geez, cozy up to the barista and get a little more milk poured in. Last time […]

Hello, my name is Michael. And I’m an awards junkie. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I like to win. Not Charlie Sheen #winning*, but real winning. Recognized-by-my-peers winning. Owning-the-advertising-world-for-three-minutes winning. Winning. So first, the big news… The Media Guy strikes again. Two Silver Council winners and three bronze trophies in the 2016&nbs

Okay, so where am I? (More on that in a minute). In between my regular job (well, it’s not so regular, it’s actually invigorating), working with the team to prepare the campaign overview for the Clio submission (it’s hard to condense so much genius into a two-minute video) and re-writing scripts for my Japanese television […]

My Los Angeles Kings* flamed out on their way to the Stanley Cup, so I’m a little down and out recovering from the fool’s good that was once the 2015-16 National Hockey League season. Nothing left to cheer for except every team playing the loathsome Anaheim Ducks. Prince is dead, long live the king. So […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m still hunkered down, North Korean-style*, working with the team to produce our Clio submission. We want to make the April 21st deadline and save the $25 late fee. We shall see. I can tell you that I was inspired by this article about North Korea’s Loyalty campaign where, “North […]

I can’t believe it’s been over nine months since I was trying to finish my 2015 submission for the Clio Awards. The big agencies have entire staffs cutting up footage and storyboarding narratives into two minute vignettes designed to win at beautiful, sleek statuette termed, “The Oscars of the Advertising World.” Me? I was doing […]