SUMMER LEARNING: Spelling, a Quick Guide
If you still do this in your emails or reports or other things you send to me to check-over before sending them up the food chain, I do empathize with you that this is what you were taught. And while you and I are busy empathizing, you should fully understand that you need to knock it off immediately. It’s a creative monstrosity, it’s an irresponsible added keystroke, it wastes space, it pollutes the page, and it makes dogs cry.
Some heroes are helping to change the world for the better. The good folks I’ve worked with at two companies over the last 15 years, don’t allow us double space after a period.
One thing I do know they had back in junior high school and high school were dictionaries and Expos Comp classes where they taught us how to use homophone properly and differentiate commonly misused words. Those of us not completing slam books or writing notes to pretty girls in class remember these lectures.
For those of you who were, there are a dozen or so words you need to stop misspelling or misusing…here’s my top ten.
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