OSCAR WEEK 2014: Magically Wet

Mother Nature must be mad at the Oscars.
Perhaps her invitation came late. Or not at all.
From the looks of it, she got impatient and decided to
crash the party. And such, rain crushed Hollywood over the past few days.
So there I was, searching the red carpet for stories,
rain pelting me and my Canon as Japanese starlets and Latin American television
anchors tried in vain to get their pre-Oscars segments filmed before deadline.
Then the skies opened up and buckets of water cascades from almost nowhere.
And when the water rushed over my Ferragamos, I had to
runaway from the tarped red carpet. Winding my way through the labyrinth of
photographers, cameramen and security, I magically wound up smack dab in the
middle of Oscars rehearsals. That badge I dutifully wore around my neck all
week was my Willy Wonka Golden Ticket to see the stars walk through their lines.
Wouldn’t you know it? The star of the rehearsal was
Angelina Jolie’s leg. You remember that leg, don’t you? During the 2012 Oscars,
she stuck her lovely appendage through the long slit in her gown during the
show and the leg became the instant sensation. To commemorate it all a tribute
song hit the charts and a Twitter account (@AngiesRightLeg) caught fire. Now
it’s right back
where it belongs: on stage.
As she wrapped her part of the rehearsal, she broadcasted
with a laugh, “And then I go like this.”
She then teasingly thrust her leg forward.
The fan in me marveled at her statuesque look and minimalistic
style…gray sweatshirt, black leggings and a pair of pumps. The Media Guy in my wondered how I could get her to read my script. I settled for marveling.

Amy Adams, who is pulling double duty as presenter and best actress (American Hustle) nominee arrived at the Dolby Theatre in rain boots, which, as a true red-carpet-ready veteran, she instantly traded for sky-high silver stilettos. She lovingly bemoaned, “I am never going to be off camera,” Adams
said. “I am really going to have to behave.”

Dallas Buyers Club Best Actor nominee Matthew McConaughey promised more cutting edge formal wear vowing that his primary color selection is “going to be hot pink.” 

So what about this rain? In my Fox News Entertainment
article that just posted a little while ago, I basically said, “The Show Will
Go On…”
Despite a freak winter rain storm causing flooding and
power outages throughout LA County, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
organizers anticipate no disruption for the 86th Oscars in Hollywood despite
most forecasts calling for more showers.
“We’ve been monitoring weather patterns for weeks,” AMPAS
communications chief Teni Melidonian said. “We have this covered literally and
To ensure that Jennifer Lawrence and other nominees reach
the front door of the Dolby Theatre without getting wet, the Academy has
unleashed an army of workers to cover the exposed red carpet.
The only area that will be exposed Sunday is on the
street where the limos will be dropping off their precious cargo. The plan is
to have dozens of Academy staffers on hand with umbrellas to provide the needed
“We would prefer viewers at home to see sunshine, but
otherwise nothing will be different for the red carpet show than any other
year,” Melidonian said.
The red carpet for the Academy Awards was covered in very unglamourous plastic.

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