What do Albania, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Dominican Republic, Kosovo, Maldives, Mexico, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey all have in common? They are all welcoming U.S. travelers without a quarantine period. For those who have six months of pent up cabin fever, this should be music to their ears. Keep in mind that the […]

I kicked off 2020, by adding intriguing visuals from my lifetime of travels around the world and called it the 43 Postcards Project. So far, my quest has taken me to places familiar and others remote, in 43 countries and counting, from the deep Pacific to the deserts of the Middle East to the snow-crusted landscapes of the Arctic […]

I kicked off 2020, by adding intriguing visuals from my lifetime of travels around the world and called it the 43 Postcards Project. So far, my quest has taken me to places familiar and others remote, in 43 countries and counting, from the deep Pacific to the deserts of the Middle East to the snow-crusted landscapes of the Arctic […]

It’s been a good year for the Media Guy Struggles. As the leading lifestyle media brand for those curious about the life of a modern (M)ad Man, the website is growing faster in unexpected ways. August marked the best month of all time for readership, advertising, and elevated Q ratings. To celebrate, I took to […]

It’s been a good year for the Media Guy Struggles. As the leading lifestyle media brand for those curious about the life of a modern (M)ad Man, the website is growing faster in unexpected ways. August marked the best month of all time for readership, advertising, and elevated Q ratings. To celebrate, I took to […]

It’s been a good year for the Media Guy Struggles. As the leading lifestyle media brand for those curious about the life of a modern (M)ad Man, the website is growing faster in unexpected ways. August marked the best month of all time for readership, advertising, and elevated Q ratings. To celebrate, I took to […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m up late, late late, So many pressing projects… A college magazine to put to bed… My Los Angeles Kings Jewels From The Crown columns... Research on the next big idea for the next Clio Award… Planning the former Communist bloc holiday trip in two weeks… Christmas gift wrapping… But […]

Recent United Airlines ad offering friendly service… Just a few days ago, I wrote that Pepsi should have called the Media Guy before their ill-conceived Kendall Jenner ad launched. Apparently all that was needed was for another major brand to screw up royally in real time to have them breathing a sigh of relief. In […]

Listen…I don’t mean to poop all over the airlines during the holiday season, but between Iberia Airlines’ $5 Nescafé and my latest escapade on Air Canada Rouge, I had to open up iPhone Notes and put my grievances to paper… Just who conceived this ad anyway? Dear Air Canada: Okay, I get it. It’s January […]