**Exclusive from ALO magazine.** The pandemic and social justice are dominating the headlines—as they should—this summer. For me, the impact on my normal travel is starting to weigh on my being and I’ve been searching for solutions as I watch the growing list of countries that don’t want U.S. travelers potentially bringing Coronavirus into their […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m contemplating buying one of Elon Musk’s $500 flamethrowers. I mean, really, who DOESN’T want a flamethrower? Full disclosure…The long awaited (especially by me) Media Guy television pilot has several mentions of the protagonist Alex Logan shining a flamethrower for his retiring agency boss before things go off the rails. […]

Has it been that long? Over a year since I grabbed my sack…of mail? As usual, I resisted and resisted, but the mailbox is overflowing and alas, you need answers. So, without fanfare, here are the highlights of genuine emails from my irreverent readers. Question: Knife to your throat, who’s the next sweetheart of American […]