What do Albania, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Dominican Republic, Kosovo, Maldives, Mexico, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey all have in common? They are all welcoming U.S. travelers without a quarantine period. For those who have six months of pent up cabin fever, this should be music to their ears. Keep in mind that the […]

Okay, so where am I? As you can see on the left, the call of Clio entries has been announced. That means I’m pulling together to campaigns from last year trying to see if I should spend $525 to $1,025 on entry fees to put my best work forward. It’s been a while since my […]

Okay, so where am I? It’s late and I’m polishing my running diary for tonight’s Los Angeles Kings game against the Arizona Coyotes. It’s been a struggle this season in my first year as a moonlighting sportswriter. The Kings are really bad and coach is worse. How bad is he? He’s so bad that I […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m contemplating buying one of Elon Musk’s $500 flamethrowers. I mean, really, who DOESN’T want a flamethrower? Full disclosure…The long awaited (especially by me) Media Guy television pilot has several mentions of the protagonist Alex Logan shining a flamethrower for his retiring agency boss before things go off the rails. […]

Has it been that long? Over a year since I grabbed my sack…of mail? As usual, I resisted and resisted, but the mailbox is overflowing and alas, you need answers. So, without fanfare, here are the highlights of genuine emails from my irreverent readers. Question: Knife to your throat, who’s the next sweetheart of American […]