Superman Archives - Media Guy Struggles The Media Guy. Screenwriter. Photographer. Emmy Award-winning Dreamer. Magazine editor. Ad Exec. A new breed of Mad Men. Mon, 02 Jul 2018 10:13:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Superman Archives - Media Guy Struggles 32 32 221660568 The Summer of Superheroes and Margrét, My New Favorite Amazon Model Mon, 02 Jul 2018 10:13:00 +0000 I know the world is a lunatic cesspool full of bad people, but why do we need so many superheroes? When I was a kid, even until 1989, we got by with the Big Two: Batman and Superman. Now, I am getting all geeked up for Ant-Man and The Wasp (a sequel no less to […]

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I know the world is a lunatic cesspool full of bad people, but why do we need so many superheroes? When I was a kid, even until 1989, we got by with the Big Two: Batman and Superman. Now, I am getting all geeked up for Ant-Man and The Wasp (a sequel no less to the original Ant-Man that made Paul Rudd a superhero)…yes Paul Rudd.

Yet I digress…

Things were a lot easier when the Big Two were battling the same super villains over and over again. Now every superhero is a superstar. Take Thor from the planet of Asgard. He wanders around with a mini sledgehammer and was the the ace in the hole in the latest Avengers movie. We all know what happened to him (right?). Batman or Superman would never let that happen.

Blank Panther made a big splash at the box office recently. Until I was dragged to the theater I thought it was a biopic about Bobby Seale or Huey Newton. Everywhere I look there are super heroes getting their own movies, Silver Surfer, Aquaman, The Thing, The Green Lantern. Speaking of the Green Lantern, his power is in his ring, yet the ring is hooked to a battery. I mean, you cannot make this stuff up.

(I guess you quite literally can.)

Serious question: Are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles super heroes? It’s almost like asking if a hot dog or a wrap is a sandwich. You might get a 50-50 split, yes or no, if you asked 100 people Family Feud-style.

Really, the only super heroes you ever really need is Batman or Superman. And, if you live in the real world, Margrét, My New Favorite Amazon Model is all you need.

Okay, so where am I?

I’m meeting Margrét in South Central Los Angeles, helping her out with a western hat ad comp she’s trying to get off the ground. I mean, who am I to say no?

(For those of you wondering why she’s a big deal in The Media Guy lore, scroll to the bottom and take the primer and read the three previous columns, including the first one from 2014 which still remains the top post of all time.) And, for regular readers, catch up with the queen of the birthday suit.

Media Guy: I heard a bunch of stories about your showdown with Betty Rage, how did that go down?

Margrét, My New Favorite Amazon Model: You may recall that last time I mud-rassled, I accidentally ingested some of the chocolate pudding “mud,” and was afflicted with terrible stomach flu afterward. Well, this time I knew better, so made sure to keep my lips shut, and to shower off thoroughly afterward. This rassling experience was better all-around than my last time, which you might recall was slightly scarring since I only got a $40 bid to be my towel boy — well, this time, some poor drunk guy bid $60 on me, and paid up….but he was so wasted that they had to escort him out of the bar before he had a chance to get in the ring with me. So they auctioned me off a second time, and this awesome British dude bid another $60 on me — and he was cool. He helped me defeat my first opponent, Kombat Kitty…but then I faced off against Betty Rage, and she beat me silly. Oh well, you can’t win ’em all!

MG: What a wacky gig! Surely there are better ways to drum up modeling gigs…

MMNFM: In this #MeToo #TimesUp culture, nude modeling has taken a real hit, which is a true shame. One is that historically, with a few exceptions, the nude is mainly a phenomenon of Western art. The other is that from very early on, the nude male and the nude female are treated quite differently and have different roles to play. The male nude body in Greek sculpture was used both for portrayals of ideal heroes – gods and idealized portraits of real heroes, notably the champions at the Olympic games. This brings up another basic aspect of the nude in art, its sometimes uneasy relationship to sexual desire. The entrenched homo-eroticism of ancient Greek society clearly has a good deal to do with the pre-eminence of the heroic male nude. In fact, around the 4th century BC, Praxitales and other sculptors did begin depicting nude females, notably the goddess of love, Aphrodite. But it remained indecorous for female portraits to depict nudity. More generally, a double standard where male and female nudity was concerned, persisted through the period of Roman sculpture and, indeed, right up to modern times, though its terms of reference frequently changed.

MG: So wacky gigs are the way to go?

MMNFM: One final wacky gig I did lately was act as concierge for this group of rowdy drunken Canadian guys who come out every year to play golf and cat around: I caddied for them last year, and they were so taken with me that this year they hired me to arrange everything. The first day, I set up a nude photo shoot with me and my fellow Goddess Collective members up at Red Rock Canyon — we drove the guys out there and posed for female-on-female art shots for a couple hours, and a great time was had by all. Then the next day, we all met up at a local golf course and proceeded to booze our way around the course, taking all manner of salacious photos and engaging in all kinds of naughty shenanigans involving strategically-placed golf tees and lots of puns involving the word “balls.” The final day, we were all supposed to get a cabana at one of the big pool parties, but the weather had turned shitty so we ended up just getting wasted at their hotel Jacuzzi, then going to the nightclub and getting messed up til all hours of the night.

Now, I haven’t set foot in a nightclub since the days when I was working at one…and guess what? It was just as abhorrent an experience as I recalled! This particular place was especially lame and unremarkable — they actually had the gall to hire that tired moron from Jersey Shore, Pauly D, as DJ! Even worse, all the star-struck, farm girls in the crowd were absolutely stoked, holding up their cell phones to capture footage of this momentous occasion. JEEZ!

Still, I’m not sure what happened but I ended up having a fantastic time — I was dressed really sloppily, in leggings and flip-flops (remember, we were boozing at the pool all day), but something happened and I went bat shit dancing, burning about 1,000,000 calories and having a really good time, despite the horrible DJ and lame-ass environment…so I guess it wasn’t all bad! The only downside was, after all that I felt like I’d been hit by a giant alcoholic Canuck bus — I mean, I was exhausted when those guys left! I don’t know how they did it.

MG: You used to be the belle of the ball, working every party which leads to me wondering if there have been any good parties lately.

MMNFM: The best party I went to lately was this amazing Burning-Man-themed bicycle pub crawl organized by one of my neighbors, called Blinking Man. Twice a year, about 300-400 wackos in costumes ride bikes covered in blinking lights all over downtown Vegas, stopping at four or five bars along the way for drinks and fun. This one group carts around a full DJ setup, and we basically have raves in all the parking lots we stop at along the way –

– it’s a RIOT! I went with some of my neighbors and friends, and even my roommate made an appearance, Rollerblading around half-naked in an Indian headdress and a G-string. NICE! All in all I was out til about 2am, pedaling furiously about the streets of downtown Vegas, dancing and drinking and getting merry like Christmas. NO WONDER I’M TIRED — that was my day off!!!


Previous Margrét, My New Favorite Amazon Model Columns:

NSFW: At the Baghdad Cafe with Margrét>>October 16, 2017

Catching up with Margrét>>March 9, 2015

Nude Modeling>>February 2, 2014

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Sheesh! Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:14:00 +0000 Random thoughts from the road… For the tenth summer in a row it’s the summer of super heroes at the box office. We’re right in the middle of it now…Avengers ($1.5 billion worldwide so far), Spiderman ($140 million domestically so far), and Batman coming in a week. With all of this this box office smashing […]

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Random thoughts from the road…
For the tenth summer in a row it’s the summer of super heroes at the
box office. We’re right in the middle of it now…Avengers ($1.5 billion worldwide
so far), Spiderman ($140 million domestically so far), and Batman coming in
a week. With all of this this box office smashing record business, it brings the
debate, just who is the best super hero.
If there were a March Madness kind of round robin, who would you go
with? Thor vs. Captain America vs. The Hulk vs. Batman? It doesn’t matter as
long as you don’t go with Aquaman as your number one choice. Remember that
story arc in Entourage where Vince Chase is freaking out that James Cameron is
directing the Aquaman movie? He should have never worried because Aquaman is
the bottom of the barrel when it comes to battling the bad guys. This brings me
to the standard bearer of all super heroes: Superman.
The only people that like Superman above the others are the front
runners of the world. I have a news bulleting for everyone…he’s made of steel.
That’s a stacked deck if I ever heard of one. He’s faster than a speeding
bullet and more powerful than a locomotive. His top rival is a bald, middle age
guy with a 180 IQ. The only way to stop this indestructible man is with
Kryptonite. Where do you get this stuff? I mean it blew up decades ago in some
super nova blast from another galaxy. Where is everyone getting this stuff
As far as super heroes go, he’s the safe choice. Sheesh!
Even Dana Gordon knew Aquaman was the worst…
Back to reality…I have been awaiting feedback from book chapters that
were submitted to the publisher. Now keep in mind that I was told that when I
started submitting chapters the feedback would be spotty and slow. I would get
it when I get it and that’s the way the cookie crumbled. However, with the
first round, I received instant feedback. When I asked why my editor got back
to me so fast, they said that since the writing was flowing so well he just
couldn’t wait to get information back to me. I thought, well that’s nice and it
allowed me to get into the next batch of writing which I submitted soon
Weeks went by and I heard nothing, so I sent an email to my editor,
Maggie, saying something like, “Did you get the chapters? Any new feedback?”
and of course I got nothing. Then when I spoke to my agent a week later, I
asked him if he heard anything. He told me he sent an email and heard nothing
back. And then we waited another three weeks. At that point I called my editor’s
assistant and asked him to see what’s up. A few days later—now remember this is
now five weeks since I sent in batch two of chapters—I get an email forward to
me through the assistant from my editor:
From: XXXXXXX []
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:42 PM
To: ‘Michael Lloyd’
Subject: FW: Lloyd Book Feedback
New titles department. No need information
on Lloyd book.
I know how desperate Michael is to get this
There should be something soon, Maggie
That caught me a little off guard. I really dislike when people ignore
you for a while and them make it seem like it’s you who is anxious and in this
case “desperate”. From the side of the sanity perspective, it seems desperate
because my first few communication attempts were not replied to in any timely
fashion. I know she didn’t mean it to be negative, but still….”desperate”?
It’s like that thing people do in a retail setting when you need help.
You know that person behind the cash wrap who is fiddling with the straws or
straightening cups or something and they are half turned away from you. You
wait, but then you give the little, “Pardon me” and you get no reaction so you
go with the “Excuse me…” And you still get nothing so you say, “uh, sir..” and
there’s finally a sharp burst of “I heard you!”
More great customer service
Meanwhile you’re standing there thinking “I’m not impatient; a grunt or
a moan or some type of acknowledgement would have served me just fine.” Really,
the mental “I’ll be with you in a minute” doesn’t cut it because I’m not a mind
reader. Sheesh!
Thank goodness the Kardashians have been pushed back to page three of
the gossip hound and replaced with of all things the shocking TomKat split. I
was listening to the radio while stuck in Los Angeles traffic gridlock when the
great escape was described something like this: “A determined Katie Holmes plotted
her escape from domineering hubby Tom Cruise like a “Mission: Impossible”
operation — using a pal’s disposable cellphone to talk to lawyers in three
states so Cruise couldn’t trace her calls or location.” Whatever happened to
letting this all play out on Divorce Court. Sheesh!
Finally, since the second-to-last-episode of this season’s
Mad Men revealed that Peggy was due to make a cool $120,000 a year managing
accounts (Sheesh!), I wondered what other characters would be making today.
Luckily there are a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands and these
same people came up with this handy chart:

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Dust Off Your Capes Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:27:00 +0000 Hail ye Spiderman, Superman, Batman. Time to dust off your capes and come out and play. Super heroes, and acting like one, have long been a running theme in The Media Guy Struggles. Connecting with your favorite hero just go easier. I know that few of you realize, but August 28, is the second annual […]

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Hail ye Spiderman, Superman, Batman. Time to dust off your capes and come out and play. Super heroes, and acting like one, have long been a running theme in The Media Guy Struggles. Connecting with your favorite hero just go easier.

I know that few of you realize, but August 28, is the second annual celebration of International Read A Comic in Public Day. So grab your favorite comic or graphic novel and grab a spot in the park with your kids. Some of you are now wondering—perhaps you already Googled—what a graphic novel might be. Graphic novels and collected editions came into vogue following Marvel Comics’ emergence from bankruptcy in the mid-90’s when they shifted focus away from single issues sold in the direct market to these specialty items sold through mass-market bookstores.

While you’re sitting there saying, “Media Guy! Take off those nerdy Clark Kent goggles and see the forest among the trees…comic books are for booger-eaters living at mom’s house.”

Au contraire, comics are bank and generate copious revenue for both the independent publishers and the big boys. Now with the intellectual property firmly entrenched into our movie going experience, the sky is the limit for what kinds of revenues will be generated. The major economic shift occurred in 1997 when New Line optioned the rights to make Blade. You remember pre-jailed, IRS-hating Wesley Snipes portraying the obscure vampire-hunter character from the 1970s, right? The 1998 movie was a hit bringing in $125+ million and when X-Men was released in 2000 grossing almost $300 million, it was on like Donkey Kong (whoops, do I have to pay Nintendo for saying that?)

The Blade and X-Men series showed that smaller comic properties could open films and sell DVDs. They revived the superhero film genre almost instantly opening the door for Spider-Man’s $800 million dollar payday.

Recently, The Walt Disney Company proved just how far comics have come with their $4 billion acquisition of Marvel Comics and all of their intellectual property. Even Donald Trump would agree that comics aren’t nerdy any longer.

On a side note, the thing about this media I find ironic is the term “book” in the “comic book.” When we speak of books, we imagine verbose narratives with grand words and deep Lawrence Durrell-like thinking. It’s about the words, right? Comic books are just the opposite. Their narratives are all about the pictures telling the story with minimal words. They are the ultimate “a picture is worth a thousand words” medium. Words aren’t completely dismissed, but a great deal of the word’s value rests in the typography and unique tradition hand-lettering.

In the advertising world, we build copy points first and visuals second. In the comics world often an entire story is composed visually and then text is added in response to those images. From an Ad Man perspective, this is a bizarre was to work, but originally the most successful comics were created in this exact manner.

So, short story long, grab your capes and nerdy glasses and come out on August 28th with your favorites. Leave your secret identity at home; there’s no need to hide.

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