Okay, so where am I? I’m rubbing elbows with the elite of music at the American Music Awards. Sting, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and more. Before I arrived to the red carpet on Sunday, I was offered $5,000 for one of my press passes. I passed because if you did that at the Oscars you […]

Okay, so where am I? (More on that in a minute). In between my regular job (well, it’s not so regular, it’s actually invigorating), working with the team to prepare the campaign overview for the Clio submission (it’s hard to condense so much genius into a two-minute video) and re-writing scripts for my Japanese television […]

Has it been that long? Over a year since I grabbed my sack…of mail? As usual, I resisted and resisted, but the mailbox is overflowing and alas, you need answers. So, without fanfare, here are the highlights of genuine emails from my irreverent readers. Question: Knife to your throat, who’s the next sweetheart of American […]