Repping the great Ilya Kolvachuk at a KHL game will earn you mad props. © Michael Lloyd I took a wild trip to Moscow to get up close with Russian hockey. I wound up meeting Igor…read on! While we wait for the boys to return from the combination All-Star break and mandatory five-day bye week […]

Okay, so where am I? Happy New Year from the desk of the Media Guy Struggles! I’m currently on assignment in the former Communist Bloc countries covering the Kontinential Hockey League. It will be a fun series of articles once I am done. For now, I have been all around Russia and in subsequent days […]

Okay, so where am I? There’s no truth that I am in Romania looking at the Bran Castle looking at a way to make Dracula’s home a summer retreat if I am ever allowed back into the former Communist state. In 1897, Bram Stoker’s described a dream vacation house—a historic castle that offers 360-degree views […]