Okay, so where am I? Well, it’s been a long wait. Over two weeks to be exact and I’m still waiting by the phone awaiting a call from either Margo Georgiadis, CEO of Ancestry, or senior VP of U.S. Marketing Caroline Sheu…or both. Perhaps it will be a conference call, who knows? So, why should […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m on phone watch hoping Karl-Johan Persson, the CEO and president of Hennes & Mauritz, aka H&M, stops monkeying around and dials me up so we can discuss their ridiculous Monkey hoodie and subsequent lame apology. Maybe before I rant and rave and tell you how a simple pre-release phone […]

I don’t begin to be an authority on race relations or all things racist. After all, I’m a white guy who has a decent amount of education in a white collar job. According to the masses, making it America is right up my alley… …however, I do have just a little expertise on the the […]

Listen…I don’t mean to poop all over the airlines during the holiday season, but between Iberia Airlines’ $5 Nescafé and my latest escapade on Air Canada Rouge, I had to open up iPhone Notes and put my grievances to paper… Just who conceived this ad anyway? Dear Air Canada: Okay, I get it. It’s January […]