In case you missed this memo while watching CNN bash President Trump in every story or opting for Fox News’ overt love for the President in every story, let me remind you that SPORTS MATTER. They mater because they generate revenue. They generate jobs. They generate passion. Now with the return of the National Football […]

I kicked off 2020, by adding intriguing visuals from my lifetime of travels around the world and called it the 43 Postcards Project. So far, my quest has taken me to places familiar and others remote, in 43 countries and counting, from the deep Pacific to the deserts of the Middle East to the snow-crusted landscapes of the Arctic […]

I believe hockey cards have supernatural powers. This is why, in the winter of 1975, I starting arranging my Los Angeles Kings cards like players on a hockey rink on the top of my mammoth hand-me-down stereo console. And then challenged the NHL All Stars—or at least the cards I was able to collect—to a […]

Repping the great Ilya Kolvachuk at a KHL game will earn you mad props. © Michael Lloyd I took a wild trip to Moscow to get up close with Russian hockey. I wound up meeting Igor…read on! While we wait for the boys to return from the combination All-Star break and mandatory five-day bye week […]

I penned this article for my PERSPECTIVES FROM THE CHEAP SEATS column on Jewels From the Crown. I couldn’t hold myself from posting it here too, because why? The Los Angeles Kings, that’s why. Note to reader: Due to unbridled anger scheduling conflicts, I was forced to write the inevitable “John Stevens has been fired!” […]

Post-Thanksgivings are always difficult, It’s nearly unfathomable to me how two days of eating turkey and unlimited carbs can set you back. So there I was struggling on the elliptical machine at the club when this video pops up of a tattooed man waltzing through an office with nothing on but an electronically super imposed […]

First off, if you didn’t work with me in New York (yes, most of you are gone—yes, really gone), that headline will mean absolutely zippo to you. You’ll have to read the book that I hope to finish by 2018. Okay, so for now there’s some grey area. Now onto the countdown, uh, story… It […]