Advertising is my life. That’s well noted. Looking back on some of the big hits over the decades reveals how billions of dollars spent on ad time can perpetuate falsehoods and dig holes that even workers in FDR’s New Deal jobs program couldn’t fill: -Fifty years ago ads for cigarettes were everywhere and endorsed by […]

My Los Angeles Kings* flamed out on their way to the Stanley Cup, so I’m a little down and out recovering from the fool’s good that was once the 2015-16 National Hockey League season. Nothing left to cheer for except every team playing the loathsome Anaheim Ducks. Prince is dead, long live the king. So […]

Okay, so where am I? There’s been some rumor about a trip to Hungary to see the amazing architecture and take in the opera at the Hungarian State Opera House (amazing!). And, I may have needed to be in Hollywood to accept my Emmy (yeah, that’s a thing, woo hoo!). And, I may or may […]