Okay, so where am I?  It’s been a light red carpet season. I’ve only done two—the Grammys and now today at the Academy Awards. Nothing is better that than when your feet hit that Oscars burgundy carpet. Your imagination soars and you can’t help by daydream of carrying a thirteen-and-a-half-inch tall, eight-and-a-half pound golden statuette. […]

Okay, so where am I? ** – More than a caption – see below I may or may not be at the Super Bowl witnessing the greatest comeback in the great Super Bowl ever played. Or I may have just attended the Oscars Nominees Luncheon at the Beverly Hilton. No, I’m not a nominee, but […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m rubbing elbows with the elite of music at the American Music Awards. Sting, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and more. Before I arrived to the red carpet on Sunday, I was offered $5,000 for one of my press passes. I passed because if you did that at the Oscars you […]

Okay, so where am I? Super Bowl 50 officially kicked off with Media Day Super Bowl Opening Night and there’s a lot going on in Northern California. I mean this could be Peyton Manning’s last rodeo, players are wearing wrestling masks and the game will be on in Hungary! The SAP Center, which is usually home […]

Okay, so where am I? If you read Friday’s column you know I am home in Los Angeles. But, honestly, Europe still has a hold of me. I’m still stuck (mentally) at the New Year’s Eve Silvester Gala at Hofburg Palace (you know, the former imperial palace in the centre of Vienna that emperors used […]

Reason no. 1,341 why I love writing the annual “Oscars Backstage” column: My agent. I need a slightly smaller version of this one! Last year, I reported on my tear-inducing plea to my agent imploring him to draw a map for me so I could be in a position to bring him that wondrous eight-pound […]