Dodgers Archives - Media Guy Struggles The Media Guy. Screenwriter. Photographer. Emmy Award-winning Dreamer. Magazine editor. Ad Exec. A new breed of Mad Men. Wed, 05 Oct 2016 01:13:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dodgers Archives - Media Guy Struggles 32 32 221660568 Castle Shopping with Daniela the Flight Girl Wed, 05 Oct 2016 01:13:00 +0000 Okay, so where am I? There’s no truth that I am in Romania looking at the Bran Castle looking at a way to make Dracula’s home a summer retreat if I am ever allowed back into the former Communist state. In 1897, Bram Stoker’s described a dream vacation house—a historic castle that offers 360-degree views […]

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Okay, so where am I?

There’s no truth that I am in Romania looking at the Bran Castle looking at a way to make Dracula’s home a summer retreat if I am ever allowed back into the former Communist state. In 1897, Bram Stoker’s described a dream vacation house—a historic castle that offers 360-degree views as it “sits on the very edge of a terrific precipice.” This nature lover’s paradise offers plenty of privacy because “as far as the eye can reach is a sea of green tree tops,” and “here and there are silver threads where the rivers wind in deep gorges through the forests.” them famous to accompany their riches and somehow wipe away a few of their abuses aimed as journalists and (gulp) media people. However you slice it, it will cost you in the neighborhood of $60 million Euro.

And, I may or may not be in San Francisco waving goodbye to the sport’s most beloved voice. Yes, the poetic golden voice of Vin Scully is officially retired from baseball (see his tour de force in the 1988 World Series below.).

One of my biggest thrills in the photography world was the ceremony renaming Stadium Way to Vin Scully Avenue, on the official address where where Dodger Stadium sits overlooking Los Angeles. Now, after 67 years poetically reporting baseball games, he turned his microphone off. He will be missed. I could try to sum up his career, but the New York Times, sums it up the best…

“Vin Scully’s final game on Sunday was something close to a miracle in sportscasting — an 88-year-old man performing a solo act, conversing with us for more than three hours, keeping track of the game while telling stories, invoking memories and reminding us that he did this single job for 67 consecutive seasons. 

“How many men or women his age have ever performed so ably, so publicly, with no safety net? Think of two announcers often thought of as baseball’s greatest before Vincent Edward Scully succeeded them. 

“Red Barber, Scully’s mentor, was 58 when he was fired by the Yankees. Mel Allen was 51 when the Yankees broke his heart by dismissing him. Imagine if they had worked for 30 more years — would they have maintained their abilities as Scully has? Would they have been as fortunate as Ernie Harwell, who retired at 84 but would have been able to work as long as Scully has? 

“Scully’s working alone was a gift to all of us. He could carry games by himself, as he proved every day. 

“And oh, that voice, so melodic and with a pace ideally suited for baseball.”

Okay, so where am I?, you ask again…what I can tell you is that the flight attendants on Air Berlin are delightful…especially in business class and they make a mean vodka tonic. My non-stop flight from LAX to Düsseldorf literally flew by and my private pod give me a nice rest after only sleeping one hour the night before I flew to Germany and prior to waking 30,000 steps a day inside the history-laden country. (More on Air Berlin and Germany itself later this month…)

When I was wine tasting in the Rheingau, it occurred to me that it’s been over a year since we caught up with Daniela, our favorite flight girl (again that’s want she likes to be called – don’t shoot the messenger fellow Fempire builders), with an update on the latest in air travel…

Daniela says kisses from the cockpit.

FLIGHT GIRL DANIELA: I know you are all exciting about the business class seat on your Air Berlin flight. But what you probably didn’t know was that airplane seat have come a long way. The early ones were made of wicker and yet people forget and complain constantly about their seat. Sheesh, they should be sitting on straight wicker — spoiled brats!

MEDIA GUY: Are there better seats than others? How can non-Media Guy nab those spots for themselves?

FGD: I get bribed on nearly every flight with chocolates or homemade baked goods: “I’d love it if you could find me a better seat,” they say with a wink-wink. So where are the best seats? If you’re lucky, you may get an economy seat that allows for a slight recline feature of a few inches or legroom in bulkhead seat or emergency exit row. Yes, we can upgrade you to business class or first class after the airplane’s doors close. No, we don’t do it very often, partly because on some airlines we have to file a report explaining why we did it, partly because there has to be a meal for you, and partly because the forward cabins are often full. Who do we upgrade? Not the slob who’s dressed in a dirty tank top. It helps if you’re extremely nice, well dressed, pregnant, very tall, good looking, one of our friends, or all of the above.

MG: Doesn’t the blue and glue-green tones of the plan interiors soothe the savage airline traveller?

FGD: Every detail in a commercial aircraft cabin is intentional. The typical hues you speak of are chosen with color psychology in mind as these tones are universally reputed for being universally liked and calming. It doesn’t always work on cranky passengers, though.

MG: If I’m stuck in economy, how can I get served sooner?

Don’t act like you’ve never seen a therapy turkey going through airport security. 

FGD: Jiggling you’re your glass of ice at me won’t make me dash to the galley for a refill. In fact, it makes me want to scream. Service usually starts at the front of the cabin,. Some airlines vary the service depending on whether the flight is flying east versus west or north versus south. For premium cabins, some airlines actually let you pre-order meals on their website. The front-to-back service can add to the disadvantage of sitting in the rear. When I ask you what you’d like to drink and you ask me “Well, what do you have?” I want to answer “Not a lot of time.” But you wouldn’t like that.

MG: I’ve been hearing a lot lately about what not to wear on a plane. What’s your thought?

FGD: I realize some of you have been in Europe for two weeks, you’ve only packed so much, and you’ve run out of clean pants and shirts. It may be tempting to throw on something that more or less passes the sniff test and head off to the airport. But remember: Odors are intensified on a plane, where passengers are cramped in close quarters and stale air is recycled throughout the cabin. The perfect seatmate is one who doesn’t smell like anything. To

Have a single drink and keep those shoes on!

achieve a zen-like lack of scent, be sure to reserve a clean outfit for the plane ride home. And go easy on the cologne. Better yet, don’t wear any. Scent is subjective. You may adore the delicate bouquet of Armani, but your seatmate could find its aroma noxious. Me too!

Speaking odors, your feet should be as unobtrusive as possible to everyone else (so don’t prop them on top of a seatback, or wriggle them into the gap between the wall of the plane and the poor person in the seat in front of you who just wants to lean against the window without getting a faceful of your bare toes). Put your shoes back on before you go to the lavatory (because ew). And finally, if you know you’re prone to smelly feet, be considerate and leave your shoes on.

More from the Media Guy and Flight Girl Daniela:
Nicki Minaj took my seat in business class, plus a visit with Flight Girl Daniela!
Flying the Friendly Skies

Vin Scully’s call of Kirk Gibson’s 1988 World Series historic home run:

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Dissed By a Screen Legend… Thu, 25 Aug 2016 19:47:00 +0000 Feeling like a Neanderthal today.  Okay so where am I? Current mood says I am lost in my own mind. I’m in a bit of a funk with this Clio Awards shortlist announcement staring me in my face. Scroll down. Scroll up. Scroll sideways. Nothing but the giants of advertising there. Not a Media Guy campaign to be […]

The post Dissed By a Screen Legend… appeared first on Media Guy Struggles.

Feeling like a Neanderthal today. 

Okay so where am I?

Current mood says I am lost in my own mind. I’m in a bit of a funk with this Clio Awards shortlist announcement staring me in my face. Scroll down. Scroll up. Scroll sideways. Nothing but the giants of advertising there. Not a Media Guy campaign to be found. My single entry was not selected.


I imagine this is what Angelina Jolie felt like in early 2015 when the Academy Awards were announced and she wasn’t nominated for Unbroken. I guess it would be easy to flick this away attributing the slight to the old adage that David loses to Goliath 99% of the time. I mean look at who was nominated:

      -Burger King
      -Getty Images
      -Kraft Heinz
      -Netflix / House of Cards
      -Wrigley, a Subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated

There are others on the shortlist too. Shoot, even the smaller names are big names in the real world. 
“Wait till next year!” was the rallying cry…mine too.
I spent two days telling myself in true loser rationalization, “Wait till next year!” In the 1940s and ’50s, the Brooklyn Dodgers (no David by any means) could never win it all Most often they would lose to their cross-town rivals, the hated Giants or the hated Yankees. The rallying cry was “Wait till next year!” Then in 1955, it was next year. The Brooklyn Dodgers finally won it all. Then they broke the hearts of Brooklynites and moved their beloved team to Los Angeles. Yet, I digress…

It’s been a really great month I have to say. My Media Guy Struggles pilot is getting noticed and all, but it doesn’t hide the fact that my bid to win my first Clio since 1999 was snuffed out. Denied. A stomach punch of sorts. Happy hour starts early today, I suppose.

So here it is, #ThrowbackThursday, and all of this reminded me of the time when a screen legend dissed me in the wildest way possible…

…The announcement took me back to those regular Secret Life of Walter Mitty moments to that time I was at a cocktail party with King Kong and I’m telling him about how much I loved his work on top

Being dissed by King Kong was a stomach punch.

of the Empire State Building and the Twin Towers and asking how he feels about working with leading ladies Fay Wray, Jessica Lange and Naomi Watts. And I’m waiting for his answer and he’s giving me this growling stare but finally he breaks the silence and says, “I like them as long as they are blonde, but what you should have asked is if I thought Peter Jackson brought his A-game or not to the last movie and if he could gotten more out of my performance.” And I instantly start perspiring and going back into the dark place in my mind wondering how I could’ve screwed up meeting a screen legend on the scale of Kong himself and after what seems like a lifetime he bursts into laughter and says, “Relax, I’m screwing with your simple homo sapiens mind.” And I start laughing as well. Louder and louder, like I never laughed before – in part out of pure relief – and both of us wind up giggling like schoolgirls for what feels like a solid ten minutes. Finally after we catch our breath he says to me, “Why don’t we go raid the bar in the misses private room and you show me what you can do with that opposable thumb.” And I’m like, “You’re still messing with me, right?” And he’s like, “I’m serious as planes shooting monkeys from the sky.” So I kind of wring my hands a bit and tell him, “Kong, I’m not really comfortable with…” Then he goes stone cold, staring off into the distance, and says, “You tell anyone about this and not a single effing soul will believe you.” And without making eye contact he spits his jawbreaker into my drink and walks away. And I’m all, “Holy crap! King Kong sucks on jawbreakers?”

Well…all that’s left to say is, of course, “wait till next year!”


Who did is better? You Decide…

Kong and Fay Wray:

Kong and Jessica Lange:

Kong and Naomi Watts:

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