Okay, so where am I? I’m up late, late late, So many pressing projects… A college magazine to put to bed… My Los Angeles Kings Jewels From The Crown columns... Research on the next big idea for the next Clio Award… Planning the former Communist bloc holiday trip in two weeks… Christmas gift wrapping… But […]

Dear Iberia Airlines: That was a neat little trick you pulled off on my recent flight. I mean pull around the coffee, tea, and juice service cart and ask politely if I want an ice cold Coca-Cola or perhaps a zumo de manzana so fresh I’d feel like I picked it myself and ran it […]

The Media Guy grabs his sack of mail…Well, I resisted and resisted; but no longer. The mailbox is full and alas, people need answers. So, without fanfare, here are genuine emails from my irreverent readers. Q: My wife and I spent the last three weeks trying to figure out which airline you flew that would […]