Cal Worthington Archives - Media Guy Struggles The Media Guy. Screenwriter. Photographer. Emmy Award-winning Dreamer. Magazine editor. Ad Exec. A new breed of Mad Men. Wed, 13 Mar 2019 14:47:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cal Worthington Archives - Media Guy Struggles 32 32 221660568 Top 10 Local Los Angeles Television Commercials of the 1970s Wed, 13 Mar 2019 14:47:00 +0000 Okay, so where am I? I just finished my judging assignment for the Telly Awards and while there are so great spots deserving of some of the top spots, most left my wanting for a bygone era where commercials that I watched on independent local Los Angeles channels inspired me to become one of those […]

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Okay, so where am I?

I just finished my judging assignment for the Telly Awards and while there are so great spots deserving of some of the top spots, most left my wanting for a bygone era where commercials that I watched on independent local Los Angeles channels inspired me to become one of those Madison Avenue ad men.

As an 11-time winner, I am Proud to serve as a #Telly Jury Council Member for the @tellyawards 40th anniversary, and lend my insights to help review this year’s best video work! There’s still time to enter your work too. ➡

— Michael Lloyd (@MarketingVIP) February 19, 2019

The 1970s had some iconic local spots and I would watch the ABC Afternoon Movie of the Day mostly to watch the commercials before homework, chores and cooking (yes, I was the de facto chef for multiple households back then. The afternoon movie was a popular practice of local television stations from the 1950s through the 1970s, consisting of the daily weekday showing of old films usually between 4:30 and 6:30 P.M. If the film ran two hours or more, it was split into two parts (to be continued really stunk before DVRs and VCRs).

I needed a fix, so I compiled a near complete list of the best commercial spots to appear in Los Angeles in my formative years. My trip down memory lane produced 11 commercials. The dialogue from the last spot will blow you away.

Enjoy the good times…

Number 1
Universal Studios Tour
Featuring Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock freaked me out, but always got my attention. His celebrity knew no boundaries having cameos in all of his movies and a creepy voice to boot. I lived literally across the street from Universal Studios and I wanted to go there every time I saw this ad; and why wouldn’t I? To keep up the entertainment value of the tour (and to compete with Disneyland), Universal Studios adding fixed attractions to the tour, beginning with the Flash Flood in 1968, the Parting of the Red Sea (from The Ten Commandments and, uh, the Bible) in 1973, the Collapsing Bridge in 1974, and the Ice Tunnel in 1975. In 1976, Universal added what would become its biggest tour attraction to that date: Jaws. Based on Steven Spielberg’s break-out hit Jaws recreated the village of Amity from the movie, with a 25-foot animatronic shark emerging from the water to attack the tram.

Number 2
Zachary All
I swear this spot ran during every other commercial break. Edward G. Nalbandian was the clothing king of the Miracle Mile. His storefront was the stuff of legend.

Number 3
Earl Sheib Auto Painting
He could paint any car, any time, for $49.95…and $10 free metal work. Who could say no to this offer?
Number 4
Cal Worthington “My Dog Spot”
For nearly a twenty-five years, from the 1960s until the 1990s, Worthington ran a series of offbeat television and radio advertisements for his auto dealerships patterned loosely after the pioneering “oddball” advertisements of Earl “Madman” Muntz. They began as a parody of a competitor who appeared in advertisements with a puppy recently adopted from the pound. They were known as the “My Dog Spot” ads because each commercial would introduce “Cal Worthington and his dog Spot!” However, the “dog” was never a dog. In most cases, it was an exotic animal being led around on a leash, such as a tiger or elephant.

Number 5
The bus system in Los Angeles produced a commercial that fed on the stereotypes of LA traffic. Funny thing about this ad is that if you rode the bus you would still have sit in traffic. But that didn’t matter if an alluring model fed you a breakfast apple from the seat next to you and if you were easily saving a thousand dollars a year!
Number 6
Jerseymaid Singing Cows
A catchy country tune straight from the farm would have you imitating this spot at recess the next day at school. But why didn’t they have chocolate frozen yogurt and only strawberry. No kid ever ate strawberry. I never got an answer.
Number 7
Aames Home Loan
Character actor Patrick Campbell was forever in trouble with his finances and always accompanied by his faithful chicken. I bet I saw this spot fifteen hundred times in the seventies to the point where I could still remember this entire spot, word for word. Look at the way the copy flows from the announcer’s voice:

If you’ve got problems and you feel like there’s no relief in sight…
Get out the yellow pages because there somebody in there who can help you borrow thousands of dollars on your home.

Aames Home Loan.

Number 8
Pup ‘n’ Taco Train
One of the first cheap fast-food chains to integrate American food and Mexican food on their menus, the media buyers at Pup ‘n’ Taco practically invented the remnant spot with their :10 second commercials that drove you back into your regular-scheduled programming. More bang for your buck. Taco Bell scooped up their 99 locations in 1984 and they ceased operations. 
Number 9
Continental Airlines Wide Body DC-10
Featuring Vin Scully

Smooth as silk, Vin takes you from the ballpark seats to airline seats. Great copy is the touchtone for the spokesperson commercial in this one.

Number 10
Swanson Hungry-Man Dinner
Featuring Steve Garvey and Tommy LaSorda of the Dodgers

I don’t know what the record is for holding a product close to your face in a television commercial, but this one has to be at the top of the charts.

Honorable Mention
Must Inappropriate Dialogue of All Time
Ralph Williams Bay Shore Car
Although from Northern California, Ralph got his start in Los Angeles and this is an all-time classic that really aired:

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Sky Zoos: Turkeys and Doggies and Pigs, Oh My! Sun, 19 Mar 2017 23:00:00 +0000 Before we get into the AD OF THE WEEK/MONTH/WHATEVER, I want to note my quick disclaimer: I like dogs and animals. As a former pro bono contributor to the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA) and a former dog and cat owner for thirty years, I like our domesticated four-legged creatures. But enough is enough… […]

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Before we get into the AD OF THE WEEK/MONTH/WHATEVER, I want to note my quick disclaimer: I like dogs and animals. As a former pro bono contributor to the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA) and a former dog and cat owner for thirty years, I like our domesticated four-legged creatures. But enough is enough…

Jean Dujardin and Uggie the dog. credit: Richard Harbaugh / ©A.M.P.A.S.

Your dog belongs in a handful of places:

-Your home
-In your yard, on a leash
-At the vet getting a check-up, and
-At a designated dog park

Your dog should not be:

-At a restaurant
-Walking down the aisle of a supermarket
-At your feet while sipping your cup of joe at a Starbucks, or
-On an airplane
-The office
-At the Academy Awards. “Who would do that?” you ask. In 2012, when Jean Dujardin, winner of the Oscar® for Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for his role in The Artist brought Uggie the dog I rolled my eyes. Okay, so Uggie logged some serious screen time in the Academy Award winning film, but did he need a handler following him around the red carpet and backstage with a plastic bag in case of accidents? I think not. Most in attendance that day agreed with me, but no one would dare say it to someone with a microphone.

Pets can poop on the fly at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.

In the new America where everyone is hypersensitive to racism, misogyny and equality, I find it funny that we seem to worry more about animal rights than our fellow neighbor when given the opportunity. The overt bullying towards the offending party that complains about an animal on a plane is growing. Take the seven-year-old boy who was in tears as passengers applauded as he was removed from the plane because of allergies. Yeah, stay classy Washington.

There’s a raging controversy that is gathering steam. And why not? Turkeys horses, pigs and more in the friendly skies?

When will it end?

A service pig? Really…?

Well, it just might not.

The law allowing service animals in public under the Americans With Disabilities Act is being openly mocked by pet owners improperly passing their animals off into the service category. As most of us are aware the law was put into place so the blind could be guided by dogs and them loosened up so people with stress disorders could have the companionship of their comfort dogs.

How many of us are buying that a 35-year-old can’t be without his or her pet and insists on flying it all over the country or putting it into a shopping cart so it can go into your local Krogers? You can call Bob, your pet turkey, a service animal and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. They don’t even need a leash and for the informed, a turkey without a leash can be quite dangerous.

He’s working…!

I don’t want to put my black heart on display, but if life is such a high wire act that you can’t go out without the comforting re-assurance of your poochie who surely defecates in public and licks up his own vomit, you might want to consider staying home altogether.

Most us us understand that most service animals are (wink, wink) not really anything close to that. They are simply for people who are so self-centered that they just feel it is their right to have their animal of choice with them 24/7.


I love that you love your animals, but understand that the rest of us don’t love your animals, especially when it’s cleaning its nether-regions while I’m trying to enjoy my $5 Nescafé espresso with milk.

Back to the Americans With Disabilities Act a minute…The intent of the law was to help free barriers to the disabled – not the lazy or egomaniac. Accommodating real needs should be expressly met. Trumped up ones should be told to take a hike (of course with the aid of their pet).

I know that no one cares, but how would you like to the by the woman in the middle seat next to one of three dogs on a flight. She had to move. Did anyone volunteer to help? No. The few that were asked just floated stares in the direction of the asthmatic woman who actually could have died from an in-flight allergic reaction.

What next? Service cockroaches? Sounds funny, sure, but it’s a slippery slope what is allowed today and what will be eventually allowed later.

Here’s Cal Worthington and his dog Spot!
circa 1981

Anyone who grew up in Southern California in the 1970s undoubtedly remembers the television commercials featuring consummate car salesman/entertainer Cal Worthington and his menagerie of sidekicks who were anything but dogs. Dressed in western wear and cowboy hat, Cal paraded around his car lots leading wild or exotic animals around on leashes – or riding them – lions, tigers, elephants, whales – often against a backdrop of circus tents or wagons. A catchy song with several verses – and versions – cemented the master showman’s place in car circus history.

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