Okay, so where am I? I just got back from a whirlwind tour of Finland (Kemi, Lapland, Helsinki) and Russia (Saint Petersburg, Moscow) and it’s time to get caught up. As you can see from the graphic, the call for ANDY Awards entries has been announced. As you know I am an award junkie so […]

I’ve always said “either be unique or great…or both.” So you’re probably asking, why am I saying that now? Well, while doing some research for an upcoming university project, I came across a section on a college website which highlighted how much it likes “diversity and inclusivity.” First off, congrats on being proud of your […]

Listen…I don’t mean to poop all over the airlines during the holiday season, but between Iberia Airlines’ $5 Nescafé and my latest escapade on Air Canada Rouge, I had to open up iPhone Notes and put my grievances to paper… Just who conceived this ad anyway? Dear Air Canada: Okay, I get it. It’s January […]