Okay, so where am I? I’m up late, late late, So many pressing projects… A college magazine to put to bed… My Los Angeles Kings Jewels From The Crown columns... Research on the next big idea for the next Clio Award… Planning the former Communist bloc holiday trip in two weeks… Christmas gift wrapping… But […]

Past Media Guy Emmy Columns: 2016 – 2015 – 2014 Okay, so where am I?  I’m at the Microsoft Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles taking in the 69th Emmy Awards and trying to get one of those drinks loaded with bitters that Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel are sharing. No luck. Speaking of luck…last year […]

At first I was like, “Holy f#%king Super Bowl tickets Batman!” I mean tickets to the Golden Game? Super Bowl 50? In San Francisco? Club Level? Running elbows with the bourgeois of the world like Beyoncé, Pres. Obama, The Mannings, and Katy Perry? I mean who wouldn’t want that? But then “$3K PER TICKET” smacked me on […]

Okay, so where am I? Super Bowl 50 officially kicked off with Media Day Super Bowl Opening Night and there’s a lot going on in Northern California. I mean this could be Peyton Manning’s last rodeo, players are wearing wrestling masks and the game will be on in Hungary! The SAP Center, which is usually home […]

Reason no. 1,341 why I love writing the annual “Oscars Backstage” column: My agent. I need a slightly smaller version of this one! Last year, I reported on my tear-inducing plea to my agent imploring him to draw a map for me so I could be in a position to bring him that wondrous eight-pound […]