Okay, so where am I? I just finished refereeing the kids in our belated Father’s Day trip to see Finding Dory. Better than the first installment (Finding Nemo), the family movie was just the trick to soften stubbornness and unite the already close clan we are. Media bonds the family. All you have to do […]

Awards Season is over and yet my dreams have only been elevated. My drive accelerated. A few minutes after the Academy Award telecast had ended, I whipped off an email to my agent begging him: The Media Guy at the Oscars. “I know I bore you with this…but I have to win an Oscar…Once you […]

Once upon a time, a boy dreamed of winning an Oscar. He wrote and wrote and wrote. Fingers numb and calloused as he searched for the perfect combination of words that created the scenes that would ultimately build a story that could be made into movie that would move the soul.  This movie would go […]

The critics love to hate the Academy Award telecast, but nothing moves the needle like the Super Bowl and the Oscars. This year advertisers on the ABC telecast paid the highest commercial prices since 2008. ABC, which is part of the Walt Disney Company media conglomerate, charged somewhere between $1.65 million and $1.8 million for […]

So there you are…at a conference. It’s all about networking. Remember the earlier A.B.C. blog (A = Always B = Be C = Closing)? Someone initiates conversation (isn’t that nice for once?!), noticed your name tag and asks, “What do you guys do?” What’s your answer? You better come back with something special or ABC […]