A Little Ditty About Kerri and Nikki: Part Two

Part one can be read here.


Nikki Sixx. What hasn’t he accomplished?

He’s a legend of rock. A fashion designer. A photographer and a bestselling author. And, oh yes, he’s (naturally) a record label president. Nikki Sixx wears many hats; just don’t mess up his perfectly messed-up ‘do. His accomplishments as the founder, bass player and songwriter of Motley Crue, by themselves, are enough to make him an icon. But Sixx’s voracious quest to just be himself has taken him down the much-less traveled path well past “music superstar.”

Besides the 80 million albums Crue has sold worldwide, Sixx also topped The New York Times Best Seller list for more than six months with his autobiography, The Heroin Diaries. The book’s soundtrack from his supergroup Sixx: A.M. spawned the song “Life is Beautiful,” the most played rock track of 2008. Nikki is the president of the record label Eleven Seven Music. He’s a photographer, a philanthropist and the co-founder of the rock couture fashion line Royal Underground.

On radio’s “Sixx Sense,” he talks a mile a minute, but during our interview, he’s a quiet burn, reflective and sharp in tone.

MG: Platinum albums, bestselling books, syndicated radio shows. What’s next? 

NIKKI SIXX: Television.

MG: As a rocker, the type of music you play attracts a certain audience. Do you get resistance from certain regions or countries around the world?

NS: No, I think people who are open-minded attract open minded people.

MG: In the studio do you feel like kissing Kerri or duct taping her mouth?

NS: A little of both. No, we have a great energy between us, and we’re both learning from each other daily how to have an on air relationship.

MG: What made Kerri the perfect co-host?

NS: It just clicked.

MG: Your last tour was an amazing success. Are there plans to go back out? 

NS: Yes, Europe and America this summer. Hopefully a little time off in the fall just doing radio and writing music.

MG: What inspires you?

NS: Adversity.

MG: Have you ever been in the Middle East?

NS: No, but it’s a dream.

MG: Who knows more about music? Kerri or you? 

NS: Me for sure. I think.

MG: What do you say to the critiques who think your type of music leads to drug use and violence?

NS: I am sure they are correct on some level.

MG: You seem to be a fan of tweeting and social media. How has that affected your career and life?

NS: I use it to interact with people; people are what we are. It’s what we do; it’s important.

MG: Dream living. Where would you live? 

NS: If I lived outside the chaos (say in the middle of South Africa) and was completely unplugged from the world for a few months, I might never come back. I need the madness to push me forward. Someday I might just disappear into the shadows, only a camera in hand. Oh, and a microphone so I could still do radio.

The original article appeared in ALO magazine (print) and can be found online here.

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