Okay, so where am I? I took a break from the org chart and strategic planning to try and get some Taylor Swift concert tickets for the kid’s graduation. It seems to a traditional to send the kid and her BFF to a Taylor Swift concert during graduation season. Last time is was at Staples […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m digesting the numbers from the Super Bowl and it looks like over 100 million people watched the big game again. I’m pretty happy because the taking the Philadelphia Eagles and plus six points was the steal of the year (uhhhhhm, hypothetically, because I would never gamble, of course). I […]

Okay, so where am I? Before I get to the top Super Bowl commercials leaked before Sunday, I just want to say that I feel a huge measure of vindication. “Why?” you ask? Because of stories like this from Variety: Madison Avenue Hopes Super Bowl Ads Won’t Get Trumped by Politics Analysis: Big Game. Small […]