Okay, so where am I? I’m up late, late late, So many pressing projects… A college magazine to put to bed… My Los Angeles Kings Jewels From The Crown columns... Research on the next big idea for the next Clio Award… Planning the former Communist bloc holiday trip in two weeks… Christmas gift wrapping… But […]

Okay, so where am I? It’s late and I’m polishing my running diary for tonight’s Los Angeles Kings game against the Arizona Coyotes. It’s been a struggle this season in my first year as a moonlighting sportswriter. The Kings are really bad and coach is worse. How bad is he? He’s so bad that I […]

I penned this article for my PERSPECTIVES FROM THE CHEAP SEATS column on Jewels From the Crown. I couldn’t hold myself from posting it here too, because why? The Los Angeles Kings, that’s why. Note to reader: Due to unbridled anger scheduling conflicts, I was forced to write the inevitable “John Stevens has been fired!” […]

From the Reese’s youtube channel: No tricks here. Trade in your Halloween candy for Reese’s candy. What’d you expect from the GOAT of Halloween?! This is no trick! If you your children look into their pillow case-sized bag of Halloween candy and get too many Nerds or candy corn or taffy during their Halloween trick-or-treating, […]

Read the new column: click here. Okay, so where am I? It’s almost time to leave town…vacation style. Well, working vacation. Actually just working at my moonlighting gig. Shhhhh, it’s top secret… Before I get to the business at hand in this column, I want to report on the homework assignment I spoke of in […]

Okay, so where am I? I’m phone watching once again, half-heatedly expecting Dr. Peter Lam, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, or their executive director Anthony Lau, to call me to sort out this mess created by their sexist and creepy “Treasures of the Heart” tourism commercial. Before I go on my whimsical rant […]

I love this little lady… Okay, so where am I? On the heels of the Clio win, I’m in front of my television after having watched a hockey game for the third time gleaning inspiration for a “homework assignment” I am working on as a tryout to contribute to a popular website. Who knows where […]